First at all, I want to remark that I´m not a SSPX fan, of course, I think Mons. Lefebvre was a new "defensor fidei", what could we expect from one of the greatest missionaries of the 20th century?. But I´m very disagree with the acts of the bishops and supiriors of the neo-sspx, also with the false "resistance" of Mons. Williamson. I´m not a sedevacantist oF any line, see: 1958, St.Pius X Benedict XVI, or "ipso facto depositio" to every single post conciliar pope in a dererminate moment of their pontificates (the publisment of the Novus Ordo, Asissi, or whatever tries to proof that these popes are not popes,etc).
Well, the first reason why not go to their masses, is the simple fact that they are SCHISMATICS. Yes, those priests that abandoned the fight to defenfing the Holy Tradition against the apostate John Paul II, his heresies, his abuses of authority, his anti-catholic sayings, writtings and acts as "pontifical statements". In resume a declared enemy of the faith, together with his well know friend Joseph Ratzinger Tauber. In order to get temples, jurisdiction, and being in comunion with the Roma of the Antichrist, they left the SSPX to created a museum, they were happy to not going against the heretic that was JPII, to having the good view of Rome with the only condition of not confesing the true faith. Kneeling before the masonic and modernist new church, they got what they wanted. Mons. Lefebvre always fought for the Catholic Faith and he got excommunicated (invalidly by the way). They cannot tell the true about the Vatican or the New Mass.
What I said before should be enough to prove why a traditionalist catholic should not recive the sacraments from them. But a second and a third question arises from the ignorance and maybe good willing of those who go with the FSSP: If they dont celebrate the new mass, what´s the matter if they not speak against it ?, and, It could worst attending to a novus ordo mass with liturgical abuses like the charismatics or the neocathecumenals, so why bothering going so far to a SSPX chapel or if the masses of the FSSP are valid?
The masses of the FSSP are tained just like ANY NOVUS ORDO MASS, why? Well, how I just said and proved the accepted everything of the new church: doctrine, protestant "liturgy". In other words, they are mute dogs, or even worst. So dont ever think your doing something "less bad" than going to a Novus Ordo Mass of the any sectarian group as the charismatic renewal or the neocathecumena lway (this group even dares to change the form of consegration adding the words "Padre!!...padre!!), but I wonder is this post that I considerate a invitation to any FSSP member to open his eyes, if they would be brave enough to sacrife their own "devotion"and the look beyong the aesthetic os the Catholic Mass but to what this is really about A WAR AGAINST THE APOSTASY.
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